Custom Printed Tee Shirts and Long Sleeves Seattle
Custom tee shirts are at the core of our business. It’s how we got our start! Since 2010 providing the best custom tee shirts has been our passion or possibly an obsession. Custom printed long sleeves, tank tops and custom printed pocket tees, we do it all.
Things have changed since the days of single use box tees. The consumer’s expectations for fabrics and fits has refined and the trend of making essentially landfill as promotional products is less appealing to the public than ever.
Sourcing better fitting shirts brings a lot of value to your custom tee shirt project.
That’s why we’re here, because we believe that it can be done better. It doesn’t even have to cost more, it just has to be more thought out. Better ink systems, better screen printing and better garments. Let’s make something that stands out and has an a aesthetic that shows effort and creativity. If your custom tee shirts are for promoting your brand or ideas then quality and thoughtfulness should be elemental.
All custom shirt projects start with the garment. A quality blank garment is a quality custom apparel project.
Finding the right styles that fits the value expectations for the project can be difficult. This is why we’ve built an extensive customizable garments catalog. So our customers can view real time pricing, inventory levels and review garment details in their own space. We give you the tools to make the right selections in apparel for your custom print projects and we’re always here to assist when you’re ready.
Come to use with something you already own or a brand that you already trust and we can find exact or like sourcing to match your preferences. We make ourselves available to assist in your decision making all while supporting your vision. Garments 101 is a great place to start your perfect shirt blank search.
We want to help you find the perfect printable shirt blank for your project!
Contemporary and unisex tees are the most popular styles that we sell. They are typically made of a finer material making them softer and more comfortable to wear. You’ll find the fits, fabric blends and colors are a little more modern here than with your basic tees. Another advantage to contemporary fabrics is that they shrink less in the wash and print far better due to their higher thread count.
Now contemporary tees are not all slender fit like the unisex tees. When we say contemporary all we mean is that they are of a modern construction and fit. There are plenty of contemporary styles out there that are cut with a relaxed fit and made of a heavier but still soft material. The thought that a courser material is more durable is a miss conception. In knits, higher thread counts have a tighter weave, longer fibers and far better color retention properties.
Not all shirts are made equally and quality shirts yield quality prints.
Let me make a final point here though. We are not exactly saying that there isn’t a place for the basic tee of our forefathers. Some people really love the classic fit and less sheer fabric of the original tee shirt. Supporting the idea that sustainability and quality are one in the same is about giving people what they want. Know your audience, a long lasting tee is a tee that’s loved.
The custom tee that lasts is the custom tee that’s loved.
That’s the thoughtfulness part of the equation. Most print shops are going to sell you basic tees because they are easily obtained and produce the highest margins for the least amount of sourcing work. Not because they are the best option for the end user. Raising your expectations of the customers is to our mission. To bring custom apparel into a future where locally made is the best made.
Feel free to reach out with any questions and we’ll be happy to help.
Thanks for reading.

Custom Printed Tee Shirts and Long Sleeves
Custom tee shirts are at the core of our business. It’s how we got our start! Since 2010 providing the best custom tee shirts has been our passion or possibly an obsession. Custom printed long sleeves, tank tops and custom printed pocket tees, we do it all.
Learn about common fabrics
Cotton is ideal for screen printing because it deforms less than synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon and acrylic when exposed to the heat needed to cure screen printing inks. It is also the only fabric type that is fully compatible with water-based discharge printing.
Blend fabrics consist of cotton and other synthetic fibers such as polyester, acrylic or nylon. It is recommended that only plastisol screen printing systems be used on poly blend fabrics because the synthetic fibers use colorfast dyes that will not discharge. Some blends are more discharge compatible than others but testing should always be done before production.
Plastisol is the only screen printing ink system compatible with nylon and other waterproof fabrics. Nylabond additive is used to bond the plastisol to the nylon for a more durable and washable print. Because the melting temperature of nylon is close to the the curing point of plastisol ink some nylon prints must be manually flash cured, however our natural gas textile dryer is effective in most situations.
Garments that have 100% synthetic content are often referred to as performance fabrics because of their ability to wick moisture and dry quickly. Due to their hydrophobic nature only plastisol inks should be used to screen print these fabrics. The high amount of synthetic fibers and colorfast dyes require specially formulated inks to prevent dye migration from the garment to the screen printing ink.
With so many fabrics on the market we customize every job to the garment being printed. If customers choose to provide their own garments we strongly suggest they consult with our staff before purchasing them.